About Us

who are we

Formed in 2017 destined to promote the trade cycle of clean and healthy organic nutrition with affordability under the umbrella of Food Products Line of its title i.e. JANS Enterprises, developed to a systemized ethical structure of a Professional Organization which has eyes on all Government and Market norms and values. Along this the firm bears a Partnership Status under Partnership Act 1932 renewed for it once with its new and finalized equity partners. The firm is now spreading a cycle of more trade venture partners rather than equity partners and has strong belief of extending its benefits or ROIs to both internal and external stack holders.

Vision Statement 
"Leaping the frontiers, reaching the world with our preaching of Organic Life and reduce both lack of health and wealth"

Mission Statement
Spreading in the Globe through medium of synchronizing Corporate and Agricultural peaks and lows in a way of justice with individuals and nature.

CEO Message 

Our Strong Belief of awakening in the human race for reverting to Organic tastes is a healthy call of competition to those who believe in only earning through commercialization. Our Journey to bring the nature to your stomachs is bright and we make sure we reflect bright from within our organization and with our concerned and valuable customers. Our cause of poverty reduction is noble for we saw the charm of providing Job Security , letting earn, and cost cutting through increase in utility of our products with our very own eyes. We aim to stay on what we have said and what we believe in.
Ali Ahmad